Standard Units
BF Models. Available in all-steel or nylon-base construction. The nylon-base unit is more than strong-enough, and it costs less.
BFG MODELS. Available with a steel plated grip cap and steel base in 3/4". Both 10 and 40 micron available
NBF Models. These are of all-nylon construction, and have larger than usual threaded bases, up to 1-1/2 in. NPT. They can be used in ports large enough to serve also as filling openings. Nylon dipsticks are optional; just add "dipstick" to the model number. A weatherproof cap is another option; add "WP" at end of model number. For splash proof cap; add "SP" at end of model number.
PRESSURIZED TANK BREATHER Allows air flow to 30 cfm and available in either 10 or 40 micron with a 5 psi relief valve setting (3 psi and 10 psi available with special order). Available in 3/4" NPT with a steel base and a grip cap made of plated steel
Order By Part Number
Type | Filter (Micron) |
NPT (in.) |
Model Number |
Nylon Base |
40 | 3/8 1/2 3/4 |
BF-2041 BF-2042 BF-2043 |
10 | 3/8 1/2 3/4 |
BF-2011 BF-2012 BF-2013 |
Steel Base |
40 40 40 40 10 10 10 |
1/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 |
BF-2140*** BF-2143 BFG-2143 BFGP-2143* BF-2113* BFG-2113* BFGP-2113* |
All Nylon |
10 | 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 |
NBF-2010*** NBF-2011 NBF-2012 NBF-2013 NBF-2014 NBF-2015 NBF-2016 |

*3 and 5 spi in stock. 10 psi is not in stock
**Add "WP" at the end of model no. for weatherproof top.
Add "SP" at end of model no. for splash proof top.
***Dip stick not available.